Modern Acupuncture Makes the List of America's Hottest Franchises in 2020

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In the era of pharmaceuticals, where western medicine continues to dominate the medical industry, the traditional science of acupuncture was losing its ground. It needed someone to explore it, study it, and resurrect it so the modality could meet the therapeutic needs of today’s modern world. People were hesitant about acupuncture as they had a very blurred impression of how it works. At times they also misunderstood acupuncture and this kept them from experiencing the jaw-dropping results it can generate.

Matt Hale, CEO, and Co-founder of Modern Acupuncture®, therefore, made it his mission to educate people and help them make lives better through Modern Acupuncture.



“Modern Acupuncture is the industry leader as the largest provider of acupuncture in the U.S. We don’t take that responsibility lightly and we have partnered with the top experts in Western and Eastern medicine and The World Health Organization to always be at the forefront of delivering evidence-based, results-driven patient care.” 

- Matt Hale



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