
How to Treat a Migraine Using these 4 Common Acupressure Points for Relieving Migraine Pain

Published on
March 15, 2022
How to Treat a Migraine Using these 4 Common Acupressure Points for Relieving Migraine Pain

In conjunction with Acupuncture, Acupressure is a drug-free, self-treatment to reduce migraine symptoms. Most people who actively use acupressure points, for pain, stress, or specifically migraine or headache relief, often incorporate acupressure as part of a holistic, healthier long-term plan for their life.

The practice of acupuncture in combination with at home acupressure will naturally promote blood circulation and can help relieve physical tension for common issues people face regularly. Try this effective 4 point, acupressure routine in between acupuncture treatments in the comfort of your own home for instant comfort and potential relief.

Top Acu-Points to Relieve Headaches & Migraines:

1. Yin Tang "Hall of Impressions" (GV 29)

On the forehead, midway between the eyebrows.

  1. Touch the point between your eyebrows with your index finger or thumb.
  2. Take slow, deep breaths and apply pressure in a circular motion for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

2. Jian Jing "Shoulder Well" (GB 21)

On the top of the trapezius muscles, halfway between the shoulder point and the base of the neck.

  1. Touch the point at the top of the trapezius muscle with your opposite hand.
  2. Take slow, deep breaths and apply pressure with the index and middle finger in a circular motion for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  3. Apply the same technique to the opposite side.

3. He Gu "Joining Valley" (LI 4)

On the back of the hand, at the apex of the muscle between the thumb and the index finger.

  1. Touch the point on the muscle between the thumb of your opposite hand.
  2. Take slow, deep breaths and apply pressure with the thumb in a circular motion for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  3. Apply the same technique to the opposite side.

4. Nei Guan "Inner Gate" (PC 6)

On the inner part of the arm, 2 inches above the middle of the wrist.

1. Touch the point 2 inches above the middle of the wrist, between two large tendons.

2. Take slow, deep breaths and apply pressure with the thumb of the opposite hand in a circular motion for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

3. Apply the same technique to the opposite side.

Visit your local Modern Acupuncture clinic to speak with a Licensed Acupuncturist and begin the journey that can significantly improve your health.

FAQ – Does Acupuncture Hurt for Treating Migraines or Headaches?

You may feel a little sensation or tingle at the point, but most patients don’t feel anything at all and often fall asleep during their treatment because of how comfortable they are. Keep in mind that the acupuncture needles are extremely tiny, often smaller than a strand of human hair. Your acupuncturist will make sure that you are comfortable and adjust any point during your acupuncture session that causes discomfort.

Acupuncture Minimizes Pain

Modern Acupuncture® is a natural pain relief solution and the leading provider of acupuncture in the U.S. The most studied theories show that acupuncture stimulates the body to release naturally produced “feel good” endorphins and stimulate the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” response in our body.

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